ELIYA 手機討論已修復下載點 PhoneSuite v2.4.07

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發表時間:2008-11-17 00:51:00

Phone Suite v2.4.07


The Sky PC Suite contains in the package the drivers for Windows XP and 7, the actual Phone suite for the Sky mobile phones and a user manual. The Phone suite contains the following options:
- The PhoneBook to add, edit and delete contacts from the phone and the PC
- Message for managing your SMS and e-mails on the phone and the PC.
- The Settings tab is for connection management and SMS settings
- Images is for setting up your phone wallpaper
- The Melody button is for ringtones setup
- MMS is for multimedia messages management.
- The file manager can be used to handle other file types

Phone management software:

It isn’t always a fun task to manage your phone because of how tiny most mobile phone screens are. Being able to organize your mobile phone from your computer is much more attractive but having the proper drivers to do so are hard to find. With PC Suite this becomes a piece of cake.

This software is made for mobile phone owners who wish to hook their cell phone up to their computers in order to work on them from a more enjoyable environment. With PC Suite you will get all of the necessary drivers as long as you have either Windows XP or Windows 7.

PC Suite lets you do many things for your phone from your computer such as change the wallpaper, transfer new ringtones and you can even organize your contacts. This is an excellent tool to transfer files to and from your phone such as pictures and videos

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發表時間:2024-05-17 17:55:50
Default sogi
發表時間:2013-05-26 21:32:00
** 版大已修復下載點, 故本文可作廢.

** 發此文後發現, 底下我找到的檔案, 其內附的 driver 僅能用於 Win2K 及 WinXP. 所以, 此檔案應該沒有多大用處. 抱歉!

版大提供的下載網址已失效. 但經 Google 搜尋檔名 china_phonesuite_mt6227 後, 在下列網址可找到同樣的軟體(以 RAR 壓縮):


下載前須先登入, 故若無帳號, 須先註冊.

下載的檔案已上傳至 VirusTotal ( https://www.virustotal.com/ ) 檢驗, 47款防毒軟體皆未發現病毒.
見 https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/fb47cdeee965345f7744637c0e633ce9fc26b8673eaa078232d9fa061bbc9fcc/analysis/1369545544/


檔名: china_phonesuite_mt6227.rar

MD5: bc46b90a692efda6ddf229dcb3de83a7
SHA1: 327ad2fbd56198bbbe377663728ebfef96af5615
CRC32: 43e987f9

drkh 於 5/30/2013 4:47:03 PM 修改文章內容

David 於 2013-05-26 21:32:00 修改文章內容
